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Public Notice of PFC Filing – 14-09-C-00-SDF

June 27, 2014

Re: Louisville Regional Airport Authority’s notice for public comment prior to submitting PFC Application number 14-09-C-00-SDF at the Louisville International Airport to the Federal Aviation Administration.

The Louisville Regional Airport Authority (Authority) is posting this public notice as part of the passenger facility charge (PFC) application process under 14 CFR § 158.24 for the Louisville International Airport (Airport). As part of this procedure, the Authority is providing the following information:


The Authority will seek a PFC with the following characteristics:

  • PFC level: The Authority will be submitting an application to impose a PFC of $4.50 at the Airport to fund the project described below at the Airport.
  • Estimated Total PFC Revenue (Impose and Use) under this application: $2,150,000.
  • Proposed charge effective date: January 1, 2016, (the estimated authorized charge expiration date for approved PFC applications, as amended) or upon expiration of collection of PFCs for currently approved applications, whichever comes first.
  • Estimated charge expiration date: May 1, 2016, (or until collected revenues plus interest thereon equal the allowable costs of the approved projects, as permitted by regulation).

These dates are estimated based on PFC collections and expenditures as of March 31, 2014; estimated enplanements for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 at the Airport; projections of future enplanements assuming one percent annual enplaned passenger growth and 91 percent collectibility on enplaned passengers.


As required under 14 CFR § 158.24, the Authority will be accepting public comments on the proposed PFC Application for thirty days after the June 25, 2014, date of posting this public notice on our Internet Web site. Any comments should be sent to Mr. C.T. “Skip” Miller, Executive Director, Louisville Regional Airport Authority, PO Box 9129, Louisville, KY 40209-0129. If there are any questions regarding this proposed PFC application, Mr. Miller can also be reached at (502) 368-6524.


1. Runway Safety Area 11-29

Description: This project involves project management, design, construction and construction administration services for the Runway 11-29 Safety Area improvements for the Louisville Regional Airport Authority at Standiford Field (SDF).

The existing runway end safety areas currently do not meet FAA Design Criteria as outlined in FAA AC 150-5300-13A “Airport Design”. Upon completion of this project, the runway will meet the needs of the airport and its users as well as bring the safety areas on both ends of Runway 11-29 into compliance with FAA criteria while not decreasing the existing runway landing or departure distance of 7,250 feet.

The proposed project includes the following improvements: the installation of an Engineered Material Arrestor System (EMAS) bed at the Approach End to Runway 11; construction of a tunnel under a segment of the EMAS bed to carry the Airport’s existing West Perimeter Road; construction of a new bituminous overrun pavement between the end of Runway 11 and the proposed EMAS bed; relocation of the existing Localizer for Runway 29 to the northwest; and installation of a new Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) for the approach end of Runway 11.

Additional components of the project include the construction of new 35-foot wide paved shoulders along Runway 11-29 between Taxiways C and D where they currently do not exist; fillet widening improvements to taxiways E and F within the RSA at the approach end of Runway 29; replacement of isolated PCC panels on the runway; and reconstruction of the intersection of the Runway with Taxiway N.

Justification: Runway 11-29 has non-standard runway safety areas. In order to satisfy current FAA Runway Safety Area design criteria, paved runway shoulders, fillet widening, isolated pavement improvements, and the installation of a new EMAS and asphalt overrun pavement at the approach end of Runway 11 is required in order to make Runway 11-29 fully compliant with the FAA‘s Runway Safety Area design criteria while not decreasing the available 7,250 foot landing and departure distance of Runway 29. According to the FAA All construction work scheduled to improve the Runway Safety Areas must be completed by December 2015.

Per FAA AC 150/5300-13A “Airport Design” all Category D, Group V Runways (Runway 11-29) must have 35-foot wide paved shoulders to be compliant with FAA standards.

Total Project Cost: $21,500,000

PFC Funding: $2,150,000

PFC Amount: $4.50

Start Date: June 2013

Completion Date: December 2016