To minimize the disruption to adjoining neighbors, better manage construction and secure necessary funding, the estimated $28 million roadway relocation project was divided into three phases.
South Connector: Completed in August 2012 thanks to $5 million from the Commonwealth of Kentucky and $6 million from the Louisville Redevelopment Authority. In spring 2012, the Commonwealth of Kentucky committed $17 million to construct the North Connector and the Woodlawn Overpass Phases of the Crittenden Drive Relocation Project.
North Connector: In September 2013, construction was completed on approximately 1.25 miles of new roadway from the intersection of Crittenden Drive and Park Boulevard south to Wabasso Avenue, which eliminated the second – and final – pinch point and allowed Taxiway Alpha to be completed.
Woodlawn Overpass: As of July 2015, the Woodlawn Drive Overpass project is being designed. Components of the project include:
- Re-surfacing Allmond Avenue with a new asphalt-wearing surface
- Installing minor curb-line drainage improvements and
- Replacing the existing bridge (in the same general location)
The goal of the carefully constructed new bridge is to minimize the impact flow of traffic across the tracks. We are finishing geo-technical reviews to assist in the final design of the bridge and hope to have a bid-construction package available for contractors sometime in the fall of 2015. With that schedule, some of the roadway work should begin in fall 2015, with bridge construction work beginning in spring 2016.