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Maintenance Project: Tree trimming/removal on existing easements
October 21, 2015
Re: Tree-trimming and/or removal for approaches to Bowman Field on LRAA property, on properties with existing avigation easements and on public right-of-ways as permitted by Louisville Metro
Dear Bowman Field Neighbor:
The Louisville Regional Airport Authority has previously acquired avigation easements allowing it to clear and maintain the runway approach surfaces at Bowman Field of man-made and natural obstructions. There are several areas around Bowman Field where the Authority periodically clears growth that is encroaching—or threatening to encroach—on these approach surfaces. Because of their current involvement in the Airport Area Safety Program and their institutional knowledge of Bowman Field, the Authority has requested that Hanson submit a proposal to develop a project that will carry out the following elements on properties with existing avigation easements, on Airport Authority-owned property and on public right-of-ways as permitted by Metro Government. The elements of the new project will include:
• Trimming or removing trees that penetrate critical approach surfaces;
• Restoring of disturbed areas;
• Providing the services of an arborist and landscape architect and a landscaping allowance of up to $2,500; and
• Replacing removed trees with lower-canopy trees at a two-for-one ratio.
Off of Runway 6, work will be limited to seven airport-owned parcels and 20 easements located on properties on Drayton Dr. and Landor Ave. between Taylorsville and Denham Rds. Off of Runway 33, the tree-trimming/removing work will include the one airport-owned parcel and three easements located on properties on Kent Rd. and Seneca Blvd. We soon will contact the homeowners of the 23 properties over which easements are already owned. In the meantime, Hanson will continue to work with the FAA to complete the Environmental Assessment and Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Cultural Resources Evaluation reports for the Bowman Field Airport Area Safety Program, which will require the purchase of new avigation easements. Thank you for your patience and please feel free to reach me at (502) 363-8512 or if you have questions about this maintenance work. Also, feel free to contact Melissa Jenkins at (502) 451-0772 or
Brian Sinnwell
Deputy Executive Director of Planning and Engineering